Available now on all streaming platforms
Donald Schuler Jr - Jericho (Feat. The Epoch House). Sing along with the lyric video and receive the encouragement and inspiration to be the positive change the world needs to see. You are not alone, it's time for VICTORY!
Grappling with the year 2020 has not been easy to say the least. However, there is and always will be hope! Donald Schuler Jr created this project with a labor of love and dedicated it to all essential workers in addition to anyone and everyone who needs to be reminded of how blessed they really are! Stream “You Are” by Donald Schuler Jr on all digital music platforms!
Available worldwide on all digital platforms Donald Schuler Jr's debut Spoken Word project "Life Lessons Vol.1", already favorited on Apple Music!
Donald Schuler Jr teams up with R&B artist Jamil Mason to deliver a song the world desperately needs to hear. It is time to be the change!